Good Health is the Best Wealth

Posted on June 25, 2018 by retirementtimesnewsletter Believe it or not, staying healthy just might make you wealthy. With small lifestyle changes and healthy choices, you may reduce your annual healthcare costs and increase your income. These lifestyle changes can be...

Save Early, Reach Your Goal

Posted on May 17, 2018 by retirementtimesnewsletter Contributing to your employer’s retirement plan as soon as you’re eligible is crucial to meeting your retirement goals. The earlier you start saving, the more time compounding interest has to work on your behalf....

How Long Will Your Money Last in Retirement?

We are excited to present a seven-part series on financial wellness that will cover several financial struggles Americans face and solutions to overcome them. Part VII: How Long will Your Money Last? The big question when it comes to retirement is, “How much money am...

How to Respond (or Not) to Market Volatility

Mar 23, 2018 | 4 min read | by Eric Roberge CG-Article all,ctg-saving-investing,cnt-market-volatility-response,learn,article,investing strategy,invest,default,general,pn-pinned Saving & Investing Key Takeaways Stay calm — just because the market feels unstable...

Winning Enrollment Techniques and Challenges

Posted on December 31, 2018 by retirementtimesnewsletter With an average of only 43 percent participation in governmental defined contribution plans, people living longer and saving less, and retirement benefits being reduced by their employers, the importance of...