Understanding Fees and Avoiding Fee-based Litigation

Posted on December 29, 2017 by retirementtimesnewsletter There are many different fees presented in DC plans and may include investment management fees, management fees, administrative fees, revenue sharing fees and more. It is imperative that plan sponsors are aware...

Healthcare Update

Posted on December 29, 2017 by retirementtimesnewsletter Healthcare costs often represent the largest retiree expense. Additionally, healthcare costs are increasing at a rate faster than the CPI (inflation). One 2016 study found that a healthy retiring couple would...

Financial Wellness “To” and “Through” Retirement

 Posted on December 29, 2017  by retirementtimesnewsletter Many employer survey results indicate that 92 percent are expanding financial wellness programs; one-third of the workforce is 50 or older; and 73 percent are planning for increased healthcare costs due to an...

Above and Beyond: The Latest in Menu Innovations

 Posted on December 29, 2017 by retirementtimesnewsletter North Carolina has nine DB plans with assets of $93 billion and three DC plans—a 457(b) plan with 53,080 participants and $1.3 billion in plan assets, a 401(k) plan with 247,114 participants and $9.2 billion in...