Healthcare Update

 Posted on December 29, 2017January 9, 2018 by retirementtimesnewsletter Healthcare costs often represent the largest retiree expense. Additionally, healthcare costs are increasing at a rate faster than the CPI (inflation). One 2016 study found that a healthy retiring...

TIAA’s Public Image Takes a Hit

Posted on December 8, 2017 by retirementtimesnewsletter A whistleblower complaint filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission alleges that Teachers’ Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA) engages in aggressive sales practices designed to steer plan...

Retirement 101

Posted on November 30, 2017 by retirementtimesnewsletter All approach retirement, some sooner than others. To enjoy your retirement years and not be a burden on family members, it is essential that you save sufficient assets to carry you through your retirement. No...