Qualified Versus Nonqualified Plans

05Posted on July 31, 2017 by retirementtimesnewsletter For most employees, qualified retirement plans are a critical component of their retirement savings strategy. For others, qualified plans place restrictions on their utilization of such plans, so they have to look...

Target Date Funds—Does One Size Really Fit All?

Posted on July 31, 2017 by retirementtimesnewsletter If you have ever opened a brokerage account with an advisor, you know the first step is gathering information to determine the risk profile and appropriate investment allocation for the individual. In order to...

4 Tips for Increasing Your Retirement Dollars

Posted on July 5, 2017July 5, 2017 by retirementtimesnewsletter 1. Don’t cash out retirement plans when changing employment When you leave a job, the vested benefits in your retirement plan(s) are an enticing source of money. It may be difficult to resist the urge to...

Benchmarks Are Not Created Equal

Posted on June 30, 2017 by retirementtimesnewsletter Because benchmarks are an important part of investment due diligence, a plan fiduciary should carefully consider their selection. Two of the most common are FTSE Russell¹ and Standard & Poor’s². The RPAG...

New Definition of Fiduciary

Posted on June 30, 2017September 27, 2017 by retirementtimesnewsletterAs you are aware, in 2016 the Department of Labor (DOL) finalized regulations updating, and expanding, the definition of “fiduciary” in regards to the provision of investment advice. Originally...