by Matthew Spay | Jul 18, 2017 | Blog
Defined contribution (DC) plan committees face increasing scrutiny on the myriad of decisions they make for their respective plans. During quarterly committee meetings, it’s no longer enough to run through an agenda of basic responsibilities; now, more than ever,...
by Matthew Spay | Jul 13, 2017 | Blog
Any committee member sitting through their share of plan investment review meetings has heard the term “large cap” come up quite frequently. In our experience, large cap funds are top of list when the review turns to the stand-alone funds in the lineup. Given this...
by Matthew Spay | Jul 11, 2017 | Blog
In the event that a plan discovers a practice breach based on IRS or DOL regulations, they may be well advised to attempt to apply for one of the self-correction programs identified below. It is typically advantageous to self-correct prior to the error being...
by Matthew Spay | Jul 6, 2017 | Blog
Participants may be eligible for a valuable incentive, which could reduce their federal income tax liability, for contributing to your company’s retirement plan. If they qualify, they may receive a Tax Saver’s Credit of up to $2,000 ($4,000 for married couples filing...
by Matthew Spay | Jul 4, 2017 | Blog
The end of 2016 saw another subpar year in the international equity markets when compared to U.S. equity markets. The MSCI EAFE¹ (NR USD Index²), a proxy for international stocks, finished slightly higher during 2016, up 1.00 percent³. Compare that to the S&P 500⁴...