Organizing Your Fiduciary File

As a plan sponsor and fiduciary of your company’s retirement plan, keeping an up-to-date fiduciary file is critical. To begin, we recommend preparing your file in four key sections; contents of each section could include the following: I. Documents: plan document, IRS...

“Non-Qualified” Success 401(k) Advisors Overlook

Retirement plan advisors can often miss opportunities to meet client needs, add revenue, and tighten relationships that are literally staring them in the face. While intent on designing and managing retirement plans for the benefit of plan sponsor clients and their...

Are You Excluding Part-Timers From the Retirement Plan?

Many plan sponsors mistakenly believe that they are not required to offer the retirement plan to part-time employees. Regardless of what type of retirement plan you have, all employees, including part-time employees that work 1,000 hours in a year, must be offered the...

The Looming Liability of Target Date Funds

The liability of your plan’s target date funds (TDFs) may be looming on the horizon. The Department of Labor (DOL) has made their recommendations to assist plan fiduciaries in selecting and monitoring TDFs. Join us for an educational webinar where we will discuss the...